Ideas That Spread Are Ideas That Win
I’m sure you have heard or used the phrase “The greatest thing since sliced bread” countless of times. This expression is often used almost every time we encounter a new mind blowing innovative invention, gadget, product or idea that gets us excited and have us bursting to tell someone else.
Let’s face it; there are not many products that can compare to a loaf of sliced bread. Inventor Otto Fredrick Rohwedder must have known this back in 1912 when he invented the slicing machine. As one of the first things he did, like all inventors and technologist was getting the patents to ensure that no one would steel his idea.
A truly revolutionary and innovative idea for its time but it wasn’t until 18 years later that people actually began buying slice bread when a company by the name of “Wonder Bread” began marketing it, which allowed the idea to spread resulting in it turning into an idea that wins; now that everyone is aware of its existence.
It doesn’t matter what product or service you offer the equation is simple. If you don’t get your product or service to capture the attention of its intended customers it simply will not sell. Your goal as a business owner, marketer, or sales representative is to figure out ways to effectively capture your target audience using various mediums of communication to allow your idea, product or service to spread and turn into something that everyone is talking and thinking about.
Your Turn to Share
What are some of the ways you can use strategies for products that has captured your attention for spreading your own product and services?