The Globally Networked approach To Commercializing Tech Based Innovation
I had the privilege of attending the “Globally Networked approach To Commercializing Tech Based Innovation” webinar on Thursday November 21st 2011 hosted by Larta Institute, as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week.
The panelists included: Bruce Halpryn, Sr. Director, Technology Development at Procter & Gamble, Rayan Malone VP. Marketing at StudioPMG, Brain Taylor, President of Growing Company, Arama KuKutai Managing Director of Finistere Ventures, Mark Wiederhold President of Virtual Reality Medical Center and Lenka Fedorkova, Assistant Program Manager at the National Institute of Heath.
The main purpose of the webinar was to provide entrepreneurs from around the globe with information on:
- Industry
- Business Mentors
- Government Funding
- Private Funding
- Collaborative Research Partners
- Domain Experts
It was a great experience connecting with entrepreneurs from around the globe, which ended with an informative question and answer session.
I’ve obtained the recording so I could share it with my colleagues, friends and you our avid readers (look out for the question coming from Trinidad & Tobago asked by yours truly).
The Globally Networked approach To Commercializing Tech Based Innovation from Caribonix on Vimeo.
If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comment sections below.